What I Want to Learn in 2021

Chris Thurber · December 31, 2020

First and foremost, 2020 was a weird year. In trying to plan for 2021, there are so many unknowns in my life that made this list difficult. I apologize about this list being vague in some parts. I wanted to give myself some room to be flexible about action steps in case things need to be retooled.


I want to learn how to podcast. I adore listening to podcasts and I think there is a lot of potential with audio entertainment and I want to experiment in this space. My vision is a podcast about the history/present/future of home automation where I get to riff with a friend and fellow podcast enthusiast. I also want to provide a written transcript on the podcast website as a reference and to be more accessible.


Unfortunately, it seems that JavaScript is going to stay around for awhile. As much as I dislike the tooling and ecosystem, for some projects I’m working on it seems that JS is the way to go. I want to use TypeScript to at least get type safety and a compiler to check my errors. People who know me know that I have a weird love of Rust. I hope that TypeScript can make JS a little bit more pleasant.

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I have been working through an idea on offering consulting or “coaching” for medium sized businesses that want to implement machine learning into their systems. I want it to be like a partnership, where they come to me with problems and ideas and I build out solutions and tooling for them. The market for this idea seems sizable, my issues are that I do not know how to advertise myself.


I think there is some serious potential in learning to use wasm. It is extremely powerful, but I need to learn the ins and outs to be able to understand when to write a project in WebAssembly. Even if I do not ever use it with a project, wasm just absolutely fascinates me. I mean for example this project: https://github.com/rhysd/vim.wasm

How neat!

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